(Last Updated: Oct 8, 2023)

I am a first year CS Ph.D. student at Columbia University, working on natural language processing. I'm fortunate to be advised by Dr. Smaranda Muresan.

Previously, I was working at Google Research India as a pre-doctoral researcher in the Advertising Sciences team with Dr. Aravindan Raghuveer and Dr. Preksha Nema on text style transfer for creative ad generation.

I received my undergraduate degree from IIT Patna. I was an active member of the AI-NLP-ML Lab, IIT Patna, and worked on several facets of summarization (check out publications for more).

Life aspiration: I wish to utilize my research experience to improve the current education landscape, contributing towards the fundamental right to education.

I also am a member of the CARE program. It is a Community for AI Research and Education, where you can get in touch with highly-quallified mentors who can try to help out with your research-related queries.